
This document guides you through the installation of Cask.


Cask requires GNU Emacs 24 and Python 2.6 or later on a Unix system. It will not work with Emacs 23 and below, or with other flavours of Emacs, e.g. XEmacs.


Windows support for Cask requires additional work (see Windows Installation and Setup).

Manual installation

To install Cask, run the following command:

$ curl -fsSL | python

You can also clone the repository explicitly:

$ git clone

To upgrade a manual installation, use:

$ cask upgrade-cask

Package managers

Cask is available in Homebrew, so OS X users can just use:

$ brew install cask


Add Cask to your $PATH:

export PATH="$HOME/.cask/bin:$PATH"

Windows Installation and Setup

Cask requires the following additional steps to run under Windows.

Both emacs and python need to be added to your %PATH%.

Assuming that python is installed to the default location (c:Python27) and emacs is under c:binemacs.

By Command Line

> setx PATH "%PATH%;c:\Python27\"
> setx PATH "%PATH%;c:\bin\emacs\bin"
> setx PATH "%PATH%;%userprofile%\.cask\bin"


  1. Use Win+Pause to open System Properties.

  2. Under Windows 7 or newer, click on Advanced system settings.

    Under Windows XP, click on the Advanced tab.

  3. Click on Environment Variables....

  4. Under System Variables find Path then choose to Edit....

    At the end of the listed path, append (include the first ; only if not already present):


    If you do not have administrative rights to the machine, add the above to the User Variables Path.

  5. Under User Variables find Path, and edit. If not present select New... and name it Path.

    Append or insert (add a ; at the beginning if Path exists):
